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Improving Safety, Public Health, and Community Wellbeing

Since taking office, Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez has led a transformative revitalization of MacArthur Park, bringing together an unprecedented coalition of community groups, city departments, state agencies, and federal partners. Her collaborative approach has unlocked millions of dollars in funding and resources to address the park’s long-standing challenges with innovative, community-driven solutions without resorting to criminalizing and punishing people.

Eunisses Hernandez in a group photo with stakeholders at MacArthur Park.

A 360° Care-First Approach

By addressing the challenges of homelessness, public safety, cleanliness, and public health, these initiatives aim to enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors while preserving the park’s role as a vital community space.

L.A. Care MacArthur Park Care Collaborative

L.A. Care’s Countywide Field Medicine program will be launching in MacArthur Park. This investment in coordinated services among County and City departments, community-based organizations and healthcare providers recognizes the extraordinary health care needs in the area and will bring an unprecedented level of wrap-around services to people experiencing homelessness with a goal of connecting them to services and ultimately stable shelter and housing.

Mobile Overdose Response Teams

A partnership with Homeless Health Care that will deploy a full-time team of trained practitioners who can identify and reverse overdoses 7 days a week. This highly mobile, field-based team aims to save lives by quickly reaching people in medical distress while reducing the call volume to 9-1-1.

Peace Ambassadors Teams

A new program with Homies Unidos and Healing Urban Barrios to deploy full-time community intervention workers who will work to reduce and prevent violence, engage in de-escalation, and partner with neighborhood schools and park staff to conduct Safe Passage.

Community Clean Teams

An initiative in collaboration with Chrysalis and CARECEN to enhance cleanliness along public corridors around the park while providing job opportunities for local residents.


Vicinity map of MacArthur Park

Our office secured two planning grants totaling $2.5 million to explore closing Wilshire Blvd to vehicular traffic and reconnecting the two sides of the park, transforming the area into a pedestrian-friendly, green community space.


Ariel view of Wilshire Blvd at MacArthur Park

Our office secured $3 million from the City’s Opioid Settlement Fund to open a respite center within half a mile that will provide restrooms, showers, case management, and housing and treatment referral services for people who are experiencing homelessness.


A playground with a slide and climbing structure.

In February 2024, our office and the L.A. The City Department of Recreation and Parks unveiled a new playground near the intersection of 7th Street and Park View in MacArthur Park's southwest corner, in an area that has been underutilized in the past.



Group of people on sidewalk celebrating successful community clean up


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